Terms and Condition

Terms and Condition | FNDI

Terms and Conditions

The undersigned acknowledge my knowledge and agree to comply with the terms and conditions stated a the application form

  1. The Address stated in the application including the telephone numbers is my chosen address for any communication by the institute related to the training.
  2. To complete all legal formalities in accordance to the applicable laws and regulations and get the concerned entities approvals before the commencement of the training course.
  3. I shall bring at the first day of training and before commencement f the practical training to the receptionists the documents mentioned hereunder.
  1. Valid Learning license
  2. Valid Test Date Paper/ Test Card.
  3. Any other document required by the institute/ or required by the applicable laws and regulations.

In case I did not provide the above mentioned documents the institute has  the right to stop my attendance at the simulator lessons/ or attending any of the decided tests and debiting me with the fees.

  1. The training courses provided by the institute are dependent on strict session attendance and continuation of the training completion of the course sessions is not considered as completion of my training. Training sessions will be continued automatically with the same instructor and at the same timing which I shall attend until passing the final test and getting the driving license in case of my not attending the sessions for any reason what so ever at the designated timings. I shall bear the session fees.
  2. The dates determined by the Institute for the commencement of the training and the tests there after are an approximate indication which the institute might change as it sees fit. In the event of my inability and / or refusal to commence training, the first such absence shall be debited from the total number of lessons contracted with the institute. I shall also pay the test fees in case I did not attend it.
  3. I shall attend simulator lessons (If requested) as per the group allocation dates decided by the Institute for the two days and failing to attend after the institute informs me on my mentioned and / or not attending any and / or all of the lessons the institute has the right to debit the missed number of lessons out of the total lessons contracted with the institute as if I attended it
  4. As trainer of the institute I must attend the traffic signs lecture. The initial lecture before attending the driving test and the final lecture after passing the driving test and getting the Driving License. I shall  pay the lectures fees in accordance attached fee Schedule
  5. Training session’s duration for light motor vehicle (car) shall 45 minutes and for all other categories of vehicles shall be 30 minutes. Training for heavy truck and buses shall be conducted on group basis and each student shall have his turn in rotation.
  6. The Institute has the right to stop further training and / or attending the test in the event of my absence beyond 5 days within a month.
  7. If wish to complain I must submit any complaint directly to the institutes Customer Service Supervisor.
  8. Stoppage of Training

a. I must personally inform the receptionist’s in case I wish to stop my training for any reason at least 2 days in advance Fax, Telephone, Email or informing the instructors is not acceptable

b. For Stoppages exceeding one month, I shall wait my turn in accordance with the waiting list.

c. If training stoppage exceeds three months. I shall undergo a fresh Assessment Test.

d. If my training stoppage exceeds six months. I must redo all internal and assessment tests due to its cancellation in accordance to the concerned department’s regulations.

12. If desire to change my instructor or training timings. I shall personally submit a written request with specific reasons at least 3 days in advance changing the instructor or timings is conditional on management approval.

13. In case I fail more than 6 times in the final test I must attend Evaluation Test to find out the reason for failure. The institute has the right to transfer me to a senior Instructor or Supervisor.

14. Cancellation of Registration

 All payments to the institute are nonrefundable except for the down payment which shall be paid back after deducting 100 dirhams for administrative and service expenses in the case indicated hereunder only on the condition that the cancellation of registration is effected within the first year from the date of registration.

  1. Visa Cancellation (not visa transfer) on the condition that I did not start training
  2. obtaining a driving license before starting he training with the institute

In case I wish to continue the training this must be done within two years from registration date.

15. Test Fee:

 I shall pay the designated test fee in accordance to the applicable laws and regulations to the concerned entities and those applied by the institute accompanied with any other administrative and or operational fees as defined in First Page

16. I must be available at the training sessions designated place and times. The institute shall not be for my delay.

17.  The institute shall not be responsible for any accidents involving me during the course of training.

18. I shall not give any gifts and or services whatsoever to any of the institute employees.

19. The institute Management does not guarantee my passing the tests and has no rights whatsoever to interfere in the police Inspectors decision and / or object to it.